Modern Security Systems
Today, any metropolis includes many enterprises, various institutions, public buildings. The developed infrastructure of the city and its rhythm require the observance of certain security measures. Ensuring safety conditions is becoming more possible thanks to the progressive development of technology. Modern security systems are complex technical devices consisting of electromechanical systems of different levels of complexity and operating principle. The presence of various technical aspects in the operation of security systems requires compliance with various conditions at different stages of the security system. The primary stage of existence of any security system is drafting. Further, according to the existing project of the security system, installation is carried out. Mounting is the process at which the security system is mounted on a specific object. This is followed by the launch of the security system, checking the operation in various conditions.
After installation and commissioning, the security system operates under the supervision of a technician from the installer's company. This stage is called warranty and post-warranty service. The drafting of the security system requires the presence of an engineer. The task of the engineer, at the design stage, is to conduct a visual inspection of the existing facility. Based on the received data, the engineer performs analytical work. The essence of analytical work at the stage of designing a security system is to optimally place the necessary equipment in the conditions of the existing facility space. Based on the project, installation, placement of equipment, communication lines, software installation are carried out.
Maintenance of Security Systems
Any kind of service for the security system is extremely important. Checking the serviceability of each of the elements of the system, as well as identifying breakdowns at an early stage is the key to preserving property, increasing the level of security. Warranty security systems maintenance is free. The warranty period is usually 1 year. Subsequently, post-warranty service is performed for a fixed price. As for preventive maintenance, it is performed to detect breakdowns and prevent them. It is more profitable to order different stages of the work of the security system, from the project to the preventive examination, from one company. In rare exceptions, the owner of the enterprise may resort to the services of different firms. This is convenient when the competence of one firm does not correspond to the required level of security of the company.
Classification of Security Systems
As for security systems, they have their own classification. The difference in security systems occurs through the direction of their action. Some security systems can be aimed at detecting a fire and its localization, others to control the passage, and others to track the time spent by employees at work. The presence of certain types of security systems is the client's desire, while the availability and maintenance of others is a legal requirement.
Alarm Systems
From the point of view of the law, the presence of a fire alarm is a necessary condition, especially for large enterprises, crowded places. When a client arranges insurance for an object in case of fire, the presence of a fire alarm is also a prerequisite. Carrying out preventive maintenance and monthly inspections is also a requirement of the law. As for the alarm device itself, its range of action is much wider than the detection of fires. The operation of the alarm system depends on the presence of sensors that are installed in places of the alleged danger. The sensitivity of the sensors can be aimed at detecting a certain kind of sounds, temperature contrast, fixing movement, etc. In the process of servicing the alarm, one of the main factors is cleaning the sensors from dirt and dust, as well as adjusting their sensitivity. Today's alarms and other security systems are computer coordinated. An equally important point in the field of maintenance is the competence of the employee of the installation company in the field of programming. In this case, the engineer must have the competence of a programmer.
Video Surveillance Systems
Video surveillance system is the next type of security system. Modern video surveillance systems have many functional features. Among others, the ability to integrate into various security systems. The whole mechanism of the video surveillance system, similar to the alarm system, is controlled by a computer and software. Certain types of surveillance cameras can be adapted to work outdoors, others - exclusively indoors. In the service sector, video surveillance systems are demanding in the field of cleaning from dirt, checking various connections. On the other hand, a video surveillance system does not require mandatory installation from the point of view of the law.
Access Control System
One of the conditions for the protection of an individual object is the control of access to its territory or its individual sections. For such purposes, many enterprises or owners of entertainment complexes use a management and access control system (ACS). The level of secrecy and manufacturability of ACS is quite diverse. This security system is mounted at the entrance/exit of the object. In other cases, the placement of ACS divides all the internal space of the facility into separate zones. In such cases, access to certain areas may be available to a narrow circle of people. The access control system is equipped with special passage devices - turnstiles, special doors. Passing through a turnstile or a door is possible only if there is an identifier - a password, a key, a card. The most modern ACS systems carry out the identification of the retina or fingerprint. From the point of view of the law, ACS does not have clear restrictions or duties on installation. The only condition for the access control system is the implementation of an emergency exit for the release of people in case of a fire. An example is the presence of an emergency button for opening doors or a mechanical device of a turnstile.
Time Tracking
ACS, video surveillance system, can be integrated into another security system. The function of such a system is to record the working time of employees. ACS, in this case, controls the presence of an employee at the workplace (lateness, leaving the workplace ahead of schedule). Video surveillance - provides data on the employee's occupation at the workplace. A separate part of such a security system is software. Modern time tracking systems allow you to identify the use of a computer and the Internet by an employee. Thus, using desktop screenshots, you can get data on how an employee uses the Internet and a computer. The system of accounting for working time has the only criticism from the law. Only if personal data from the correspondence gets into the screenshot of the screen.