Barbed wire is a versatile construction material used not only for security systems but also for building temporary and permanent fences.
Perimeter Security
Barbed wire is one of the most recognizable and versatile inventions that had a significant impact on agriculture, security, and protection.
The Concertina wire barrier is made of Egoza razor wire and serves to enclose the territory and protect the perimeter of important objects.
Modern electronic security systems - alarm systems, video surveillance systems, access control and management systems.
Today, surveillance cameras are presented in a wide range, the use of surveillance cameras is possible in various security systems.
The main factors and characteristics influencing the quality and service life of Egoza barbed wire.
Modern metal fences of various designs - from welded panels, from welded mesh, special fences from chain-link mesh and other types of fences.
Egoza is a modern barbed wire, a more reliable and effective replacement for conventional barbed wire used to protect the perimeter.