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Security Systems Maintenance

Необходимость обслуживания охранных систем

The Need for Maintenance of Security Systems

The market of security systems offers a wide variety of technical means. A wide selection will allow the client to choose the necessary security equipment. The condition for a successful choice of a security system is a clear understanding of the tasks of a particular object. There are also an infinite number of criteria by which it is possible to select a security system. However, the most important criterion, on the basis of which one can form an opinion about the security system and the company as a whole, is warranty and post-warranty service. Even the most reliable security systems can fail over time. This is due to the fact that the security system is a complex mechanism, with many technical devices. For any company, the failure of the security system, even for a short period, can cost a significant loss of property. The security company, which has at its disposal the most qualified employees, carries out repairs and maintenance of the security system in the shortest possible time.

Security System Maintenance

The general view of the maintenance of any security system involves several stages. The preliminary stage is general, visual. At this stage of the system examination, it is supposed to check the presence of the main elements of the system, their visual inspection, and check their performance. The next step is preventive maintenance. This stage is characterized by cleaning individual sensors, checking the performance of individual components of the entire system. If necessary, non-working elements can be replaced. The last type of work on the maintenance of the security system is preventive. Preventive work is carried out in a predetermined period, with a certain frequency of time. Experts in the field of security equipment recommend that you be careful when choosing a security system installer. The best solution for any company would be to conclude a contract for routine maintenance. On the other hand, if the quality of installation of the security system does not suit the owner of the company, then the best solution would be to choose another company for the maintenance of security systems.

Fire Alarm Maintenance

Maintenance of each type of security system has its own nuances. The presence of various types of security systems involves the placement of some priorities in the maintenance of the system. Thus, the availability and maintenance of fire alarms is the highest priority, as provided by law. Modern fire safety systems are formed by means of a complex mechanism, as a rule, systems are controlled using a computer. Terms of warranty and post-warranty service must be agreed in advance, in order to avoid various troubles. Inspection and preventive work include both external inspection and verification of the correct operation of the computer control system.

The entire fire safety maintenance process consists of several main points. General check of settings, evaluation of the entire system. The next step is to clean the sensors and other elements of the system from dust and dirt. Checking and cleaning of individual blocks of the system and system components. The next step is the relationship of the system with electrical voltage, with current strength. After checking the voltage, experts inspect the presence of visible defects in the system. The serviceability of connectors and connections is also one of the important criteria for the health of the entire system. The computer part is also a separate item in the process of carrying out maintenance work. A separate type of service provided by security companies is the inspection of an automatic fire extinguishing system. Work to ensure the operability of security systems is a guarantee of the safety of the property of any enterprise. Carrying out such work should be permitted by the relevant documentation, in other words, a license.

ACS maintenance

Other security systems are less subject to legal requirements. On the other hand, the serviceability and correct operation of other security systems also contribute to the overall security level of the facility. Video surveillance, alarms with all kinds of sensors, access control and management system (ACS) - all this requires a timely level of maintenance and repair for any company. Maintenance of alarms is also a time-consuming process. In addition to carrying out routine maintenance, maintenance of the alarm system must also be performed in the event of an emergency malfunction or accidental failure of the system. Another criterion for the quality of a company that provides maintenance is the provision of training, which involves instructing employees.

As for the access control and management system (ACS), many different enterprises have similar security systems. The range of services provided by various ACS maintenance companies includes: visual analysis of the working parts of the system, verification of proper functioning, routine maintenance, software updates, modernization. In the process of carrying out repair work, the installer company or the repair company eliminates existing system malfunctions. Checking the technical condition also provides for an analysis of the technical condition of the system, the availability of the necessary documentation, the necessary operating conditions - also an important part of the service. ACS modernization is an important security factor that the owner must consider. The level of secrecy of the control and access system depends on how often the upgrade is performed. In the process of modernization, additional equipment can be installed to improve the quality of secrecy. Installing new software, changing passwords, conditions under which the system performs a pass - all this is done during the upgrade process.